Kanzlei Lothar C. Poll
A new website for the solicitor's office Poll in Berlin.
layout/design: mahlke.one

Handwerk im Gepäck
GUI for participation stations for the touring exhibition „Handwerk im Gepäck. Geflüchtete aus der DDR und in der Gegenwart“, which is also accessible online.

Menopause mentor
A homepage for the new project menopause mentor by Susan Ring. Including newsletter sign-up, contact form, blog system and logo design.

Contact page for memorial day at Sachsenhausen
A simple entry field to share memories.
layout/design: Susanne Quehenberger

designhaus berlin
A complete new setup for the existing layout and design for the agency designhaus berlin.

Webcam viewer
A slide show webpage showing pictures by the construction site webcam on the roof of main station Dresden.

Slider puzzle
A digitale and educational slider puzzle for DB information center in front main station Cottbus.

Info screen in tile layout
Info screen for the info center in main station Cottbus.
layout/design: designhaus berlin

World-Map for JSVCprojects
An interactive world-map for JSVCprojects London/Paris. It is an automaticly generated vector graphic and shows the cities of the collaborators of JSVC Projects.
Hovering over a city reveals a list with names and links.

Galerie Poll
A new webpage for Galerie Poll in Berlin, with custom-made slider, galleries and newsletter.
layout/design: mahlke.one

Thomas Grabka Photography
A new homepage for photo journalist Thomas Grabka. Features are a scroll slider, an animated menu and the integration of videos.
In addition there are measures in place to prevent image copying and of course the website is compliant with the GDPR.

Schul- und Bethaus Altlangsow
A new homepage for the association school and prayer house Altlangsow.
layout/design: mahlke.one

Gelsenkirchen / Consolidation
An interactive site plan for the art project "Gelsenkirchen / Consolidation". Optimized for the use with smartphones and with GPS geolocation and audio-player.

Klaus Grills
A new webpage for Klaus Grills, with shop and recipe archive.
layout/design: mahlke.one

Organisms Democracy
This website provides information regarding the art project "Organisms Democracy" and lists its citizens and elections. The focus in developing this page was making adding entries easy and comfortable.
layout/design: mahlke.one

Art Hotel Lenz
A new homepage for the Art Hotel Lenz at Plauer See.
Features are a gallery with lightbox and the integration of a booking system.
Layout/Design: mahlke.one

A new webpage for illustrator Lakritzel.

Tierklinik Panitzsch
This website, already in existence, has been migrated to wordpress and the layout was adjusted to be more mobile friendly. The switch from static website to a dynamic one went unnoticed by visiters.
In addition the website received a plugin to create and manage a team page and a dog years calculator was rebuilt.

Jochen Mahlke
A new homepage for Berlins own graphic designer Jochen Mahlke.
layout/design: mahlke.one

A new webpage for GFFA Berlin e.V. as an one-pager. With illustrative photos, appealing effects and mobile friendly.
logo: Spreefreunde

She She Pop
A new homepage for the performance collective She She Pop. It is actually a wordpress migration. In addition there is a mobile friendly layout and a elegant swipe menu on mobile devices.
Layout/Design: einsdreiundsiebzig.de

Berliner Sessions
Are you looking for an open mic, open stage or jam session in Berlin? You will find almost all of those events on berlinersessions.de.
The website offers a few features, for instance:
› sorting the entries by weekday, district or venue.
› displaying the entries on a map
› icons for the equipment of the venue
In addition the website provides a complete user platform and event organiser are able to register and make their own entries.

1000 days of techno
A homepage for the radio podcast "1000 Tage Techno".